Green Editions

The Hackney Gardener: At Home with Stina Hasan

In the East London borough of Hackney, Swedish-born fashion designer Stina Hasan has carved out an urban oasis in the small garden of her family home.
Green Editions

Growing a Garden

A fulfilling avocation that never gets old, gardening rewards you in various ways throughout the different seasons. We consulted two garden experts to get their top tips for cultivating the ideal green sanctuary during all months of the year.
Green Editions

The Garden of Malene Lei Raben

We met with the multitalented Malene Lei Raben, who showed us around her garden oasis that she has cultivated in the middle of Copenhagen.
Green Editions

Garden Living

In search of good outdoor living, we asked two garden enthusiasts for their top tips for creating a beautiful garden.
Green Editions

Terrace Living

Extend the parameters of your home this summer season by getting the most out of your outdoor space.
Green Editions

Plant Box Guides

How to Plant your Plant Box Garden
Green Editions

Plant guide for outdoor pots

Green Editions

Spruce up Your Green Space

Embrace the newly arrived spring season by invigorating the plants and greenery in your home.
Green Editions

Enhance the well-being in the home with greenery

We designed the classic Plant Box three years ago; today it has grown into a larger series of versatile designs that let you add green plants to every corner of your life

Green Editions

The Green Space of Jin Ahn

UNDER AN OPEN SKY. Jin Ahn renovated the vast space defined by high ceilings and gaping skylights in an old ironworks, herself. Three years ago, she moved into the space together with her boyfriend and an infinite number of large and small plants - now the unofficial headquarter of her growing plant imperium Conservatory Archives.